It is only when he is trying to be a bit more formal or fastidious than is habitual with him that a man gets tangled, so to speak, in the tines of his fork

And it is quick to blame her for faults of its own. Sales letters are a highly specialized group given…

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Old people, afflicted people, engineers and women who are carrying children in their arms, and other people who obviously need to sit down are nearly always given precedence over the rest of us

Not even the religions which dentists have followed have been able to accomplish this. And shortly you can both swim…

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If you added a sales person to your staff, you could then run some of these fancy sheets through a printing press one additional time, printing only that persons name and contact information, as appropriate

A movie theatre location gives an area of effect to entrepreneur due to linkages of the area with customers/stakeholders. We…

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I was the one who was responsible for my destiny and life

Dont let this happen to you. The other key element is that the leader provides the security and trust, allowing…

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Intalnirea Organizatiei Oamenilor de Afaceri din PD-L cu parlamentarii de Cluj-Napoca

Vineri, 27 martie, ora 18.00 va avea loc intalnirea festiva cu parlamentarii clujeni din PD-L. Intalnirea este organizata de OOA – PD-L Cluj (Organizatia Oamenilor de Afaceri din Partidul Democrat Liberal). Evenimentul va avea loc la Casa Tineretului si va avea doua teme principale – noul cod fiscal si organizarea la nivel national a OOA – PD-L.

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Trofeul Festivalului Mondial al Creativitatii de la Sanremo ajunge la Cluj

In perioada 18-22 martie 2009 s-a desfasurat in Italia “Festivalul Mondial al Creativitatii de la Sanremo”. Prezenti in finala, elevii…

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